The Upper Room Project

Step into the fullness of the Catholic faith and discover more of who God has created you to be in the Upper Room Project. Join Youth 2000 for a nine week discipleship series and explore the central aspects of our faith including our identity in God the Father, prayer, the sacraments and our calling to be missionaries. This course is open to anyone aged 16-35 years signed up to the Youth 2000 Mission Team.

Every Monday evening beginning the 11th October we will be meeting as a Mission Team for the Upper Room Project. It will take place on Zoom where there will be teaching, testimonies and time in small groups for fellowship.

Key Information:

When - Monday’s 7pm

Next - Monday 11th October

Where – Online (Register for the Link)

This course has been amazing, very professional, fruitful, with excellent content and speakers. Thank you to all those involved in putting it together, I look forward to what the future hold for Youth 2000 and the Mission Squad.